You now have an external help repository where you can start consolidating the help system for your entire application development team. 现在您已经有了一个外部帮助库,在这个库中,您可以开始整合整个应用程序开发小组的帮助系统。
Maxima has a nice online help system that is hypertext based. Maxima具有很好的在线帮助系统,它是基于超文本的。
A complete description of all nodes is available in the Eclipse Help system. 所有节点的完整描述在Eclipse帮助系统中都有完整的描述。
The help system provides a variety of ways to find the information you need. 帮助系统提供了一系列的方式来找到您需要的信息。
These steps will help system developers better understand the concepts and how to set up their architecture. 这些步骤有助于系统开发人员更好地理解概念以及建立架构的方式。
Part I covers the basics of UNIX: files, processes, users, and the help system. 第1部分介绍了UNIX的基础知识:文件、进程、用户和帮助系统。
The help system contains guides, tutorials, samples, and other content that is extremely useful. 帮助系统包括了向导,指南,例子,以及其它非常有用的内容。
Plug-ins are available from many IBM product library pages, or sometimes are installed with the product help system. 在很多IBM产品库的页面都可以找到此插件,有时它也可能会与产品的帮助系统一同安装。
This tool can help system administrators assign issues to the appropriate component where analysis results can easily be reproduced by developers on their machines. 这一工具可以帮助系统管理员将问题限制到到适当的组件,开发人员可以在其计算机上很容易地重现分析结果。
Eclipse also comes with a robust help system that includes user guides for the Eclipse workbench and the included plug-ins such as the Java Development Tools. Eclipse还附带了一个健壮的帮助系统,其中包括Eclipse工作台以及所包括的插件(比如Java开发工具)的用户指南。
The designer comes with extensive documentation built into the Eclipse help system. 设计器在Excelipse帮助系统中提供了完善的文档。
To make the best use of the help system, you should add your own content to it, with project-and team-specific notes added to the standard help entries. 为了确保更好地使用帮助系统,您应当将自己的内容添加到此系统中,方法是将特定于项目和小组的通知添加到标准的帮助条目中。
An Eclipse documentation plug-in is a standard packaging format for displaying content in an Eclipse help system, such as an information center. 一个Eclipse文档插件是一个标准的打包格式,可用来显示Eclipse帮助系统(比如一个信息中心)中的内容。
It will be beneficial if you are familiar with the Eclipse online help system and help anchors. 如果你对Eclipse的在线帮助系统和帮助锚非常熟悉,它将对你有益。
In fact, the help system can be run stand-alone. 事实上,帮助系统可以独立运行。
The debugger UI is built on the Eclipse open source language, and benefits from its advanced help system. 调试器UI构建于Eclipse开源语言上,并且可以从其高级帮助系统中获益。
This will help system administrators to change default settings to harden the SOAs. 这将帮助系统管理员更改缺省设置,以对SOA进行加强。
Documentation is split into "books," and you can have as many books as you like in one instance of the help system. 文档被拆分为“书”,只要您愿意,在帮助系统的一个实例中可以有任意多的书。
Automated collection scripts contained within a product add-on will sometimes contribute documentation to the IBM Support Assistant help system. 包含在一个产品附件中的自动化收集脚本有时将向IBMSupportAssistant帮助系统贡献文档。
The help system does not have to be integrated as part of a software user interface. 帮助系统不需要作为软件用户界面的一部分集成。
Our intention is not to replace the documentation and tutorials in the Help system of the workbench but to complement those instructions with additional helpful tips. 我们的目的不是为了替换工作台帮助系统里的文件和教程,而是通过提供额外的帮助信息来补充那些指导文件。
The help system can be extended to take advantage of online information resources as well. 经扩展之后,帮助系统也可以利用联机信息资源。
Property is passed to the help system. 属性传递给帮助系统。
Fortunately, eclipse has a very complete and easy-to-use help system with online documentation. 幸运的是,在eclipse的在线文档中,有非常完整而且易用的帮助系统。
Eclipse plug-ins include the update manager, help system, preferences, and workbench components. eclipse插件包括更新管理器、帮助系统、首选项和工作台组件。
Research on automobile anti-theft and call for help system based on embedded system 基于嵌入式系统的汽车防盗及呼救系统的研究
The default is to show you the help system introduction page. 缺省是将你带到帮助系统的介绍页。
Unfortunately, there is not much information about this in the Eclipse help system. 不幸的是,Eclipse帮助系统中为这方面提供的信息并不多。
If you're new to astronomy and you come across something in this manual which you don't understand, you may find the information in the appendix to this help system to be of use. 如果您是一位天文新手并且在这份指南中碰到了您不明白的东西,您可以在这个帮助系统的附录中查找有用的资料。
Generally, you can reach this help system via the Help link in the ZMI actions list. 通常情况下,你既可以通过ZMI操作列表中的“帮助”链接来访问。